Welcome to the Witham & Countryside Society
The Witham & Countryside Society has existed
since 1969/70 and currently has over one hundred and fifty members. The
Society’s objectives are:
to encourage high standards of architecture and planning
to stimulate public interest and pride in the environment
conservation, development and improvement of features of public amenity and historical interest
From its Saxon origins Witham grew into a busy market town situated on the Roman road between London and Colchester. Under the influence of the Knights Templar it expanded during the thirteenth century, many of the original property boundaries surviving to the present day. In the eighteenth century it became a fashionable spa town when many buildings were given elegant new frontages and the coach trade between London and such towns as Ipswich, Norwich and Harwich contributed to Witham’s prosperity. The railway came in 1843, improving communication with London. It is now an important dormitory for commuters and has busy industrial estates.
Picture: The River Walk, Witham.
wITHAM & countryside SOCIETY
society News
Society publications
Witham Through Time and
Witham & District in Old Photographs
are available from the Tourist Information Office in the Town Hall.
The Essex Record Office hold an archive of Society documents, click here for details of documents available.